A one-way path to beta bliss.
Today: How the witch hunt against Trump backfired. Why the war in Afghanistan was lost from the outset. Debbie D’Souza and I discuss the razing of Confederate statues. Reading O. Henry’s story, “The last Leaf.” WITCH HUNT Dinesh D’Souza Podcast Ep 123 https://t.co/nLmkscVQpU
— Dinesh D'Souza (@DineshDSouza) July 1, 2021
Why did we ever start taking U.F.O.s seriously? For decades, flying saucers were a punch line. Gideon Lewis-Kraus explores how the U.S. government relaxed its grip on the taboo. https://t.co/Zex5jGxWoP
— The New Yorker (@NewYorker) June 30, 2021
SOURCE: The Verge