Hubspot – Set Default Home Page once logged in

Navigating through Hubspot can become more efficient if you set a default home page that suits your daily needs. Here’s a simple guide to help you set up your preferred landing page every time you log in to Hubspot.

Steps to Set Your Default Home Page

  1. Click on the Sprocket Icon:
  • Locate the sprocket icon in the top left corner of your Hubspot dashboard. This icon is your gateway to a variety of customization options.

2. Access the Dropdown Menu:

    • After clicking the sprocket icon, a dropdown menu will appear. This menu provides access to several settings and customization options that you can use to tailor your Hubspot experience.

    By following these straightforward steps, you can ensure that you land on your preferred home page every time you log in, making your workflow more streamlined and efficient.

    Setting your default home page is a small adjustment, but it can significantly impact your daily use of Hubspot by saving you time and helping you focus on the tasks that matter most.