Podcast Special on the Coronavirus with Sunil Joshi, Cellular Immunologist, University of Miami School of Medicine

Sunil Joshi, who is a Cellular Immunologist, a graduate of the University of Miami School of Medicine, discusses the coronavirus, the history of it, the state of it, and what to do to take care of yourself.

Sunil’s suggestions to fight the virus

  • Drink a lot of liquids, especially water
  • Do breathing exercises
  • Home remedies – ginger tea, black pepper, anti-inflammatory
  • Get rest

Sunil’s Contact Info




Santiago Leon
Welcome to this special show of the corona virus a disease that has impacted the world. Today’s guest is Sunil Joshi, who is a seliger immunologist, a graduate of the University of Miami School of Medicine. So now, welcome to the show.

Sunil Joshi
Thank you.

Santiago Leon
So So now can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Sunil Joshi
I, I’m actually several immunologist and have a lot of experience working with the various pathogens, especially Tuberculosis, Malaria, influenza. And, but recently, I started working on bone marrow transplant in Miami Department of Pediatrics.

Santiago Leon
And how has this virus impacted your world have you have you? Have you taken a look into it?

Sunil Joshi
Yes. Definitely. So, I have a student back in India who is working on some of the artificial intelligence and data analysis you offer these different genomic information and we we really find out a few good targets as well as some some important information which is not available anywhere. And that then we we actually compiled a treatment regimen and to give it to the Government of India and then they are implicated yet, so, I’m constantly working since Even it is started constantly monitoring and how things are moving. And right now precaution is the best thing because the unfortunately there are Most of the studies are not somehow misleading.

Santiago Leon
How have How has the studies been changed these past couple of weeks? Have you learned some new things about the virus?

Sunil Joshi
Yes, of course. So, if you remember the first paper came in nature, February 3, which was the defining the first very first case of colliders in China. And that case, was it, it was a there was one case it happened there. And then things going on since then, I think, from last, I would say from beginning of this year, until now, maybe 8000 paper publication has been in the market and There are so much different because virus genome is described by several people in different way. And which is again is very misleading because if it is a same clone of virus, it shouldn’t be changing. It provides secondly, that there is controversy about the different use of different grades. Of course, we do not have any experimental data on the date on that Brock’s which are working and in some cases, it is working some cases not so that is also very confusing. However, in this crisis, where we do not fully know yet how virus really going to be inhibited. We have tried the best possible combinations. So, logically what we did, we did use some Software. And we started talking the different read target targets. And we found some very interesting thing that vitamin C and zinc and vitamin B three and four, what can we do and folic acid, they are all very innovative the virus, it doesn’t kill the virus, but actually, people got so much better after taking this even as a prophylactic. And these are without any side effects. However, we can’t propose an antique manga because we don’t have a data. So, this is where we are and then regarding the variability in the day to day publications, there is a tremendous amount of confusion. So and how who collected when collected water bottles

Santiago Leon
Of course, you’ve been talking about some other remedies like vitamin C and vitamin D, what have you heard about hydro power grid?

Sunil Joshi
Yes. So hydro drug and was Canada is constantly being used into the country probably countries like India, where Malaria is very prevalent. So, here is the thing which I which I was surprised that of course some people are saying that keep working and some people say doesn’t work. But there is no measurement whether it worked because of the drug or because in general, natural immunities are key. We don’t know. The but one thing I want to clarify here some people said that it is a it is actually having a Positive fact because of the inhibit the antigen presentation and then some people said that it slowed down the immune response. So, how can it be beneficial and also some people said that in publication that is not effective, but at the same time a French group claiming that it is very effective in our experience again without any bank or experimental evidence, we found it is effective. So, here is the thing, but Hydra, Hydra clean, it is working very different way in different doses at different conditions. Let me give you an example if you are suffering from malaria, and if you’re suffering from malaria which is not celebrated, but only the Non cerebral malaria, then you have a course of the chloro Korean round four to five days and that’s it and you are covered, you will be cured during this four or five days of proclaiming treatment, it cannot suppress the immune system because that you need a little bit more higher what you call activity index of the drug to suppress that function. So, in different doses at different doses, there are different level of functions affected. And that is a big problem here. Some people might be getting positive results because they might have some correct doses or some people are giving the doses which is malaria doses, but it may not work. I have personal example. I was so I have suffered from malaria as well as cerebral malaria. So when I was suffering from severe malaria, the they never gave me glow cream by mouth by tablets they gave me high dose of chlorine to the cell in injecting just like a metallic and that’s how I survived. So it’s it’s different this this completely this colloquium one drug can work in multiple ways in multiple doses and multiple route and that is nobody talking about

Santiago Leon
Yeah, there’s been some random testing and you know, there’s for for some people has worked for some people it hasn’t but it’s definitely still being tested. Yeah, which also they’ve makes hydroxychloroquine with with as the Is as ricin he said

Sunil Joshi
oh yes yes yes yeah correct they actually discovered for

Santiago Leon
many questions are asked do you think this virus the the corona virus or the Colvin 19 came from an animal or do you think it came from a laboratory?

Sunil Joshi
So, in the initial story, I’m talking about published, we we will be publishing soon some work which is which is very different what people are doing it and it may create a controversy also. So, the initial thing found we heard that it is coming from the client that we are people in China Mohan area, the CMC markets, as always Kind of exotic animals and when people knew the food well, then after that, we dig out some of the literature and what we found it in I believe in 70 or 71 there was a paper with the original paper, which indicated that this virus came from the from the rat because the ID was an epidemic. Yeah. So, so, so basically that was supposed to be the end and you know, the rat is very common animal like even if it is going around it can spread. Yeah.

Santiago Leon
Something Oh, yeah.

Sunil Joshi
So, that is that is one one part of the story then second story is to change quickly that how How we actually came in jump into the human brain and that was the mystery and the reason is the the the back actually has another intermediate host and that is a duck. According to our studies, nobody has done published this yet. So, what we found when we sequence the genome and the genome, we found certain portions of the genome which come from these proteins, which is in the dark and then you transmit to the human brain because people in China need next. So, these are the different hosts. We, we, we found it. Now, question comes, that how the infectivity of this virus is so high

Santiago Leon
Why is that?

Sunil Joshi
Because that interactivity is very complicated to understand, unless until the laborious district clearly what wires has, beyond the wires means the port publishing here with the violence genome, people are not putting complete information in the, in the where they’re explaining about the genomic structure of the violence. So, because if you I’m sure you may know that that kernel wireless is a common core wireless. Yeah. And it is known for for multiple years and it is there always and we all suffer every year someone

Santiago Leon
has ever walked. Yeah, go ahead. Go ahead. Has there ever been in the past where there’s this Jesus from animals jump into humans

Sunil Joshi
no not supported. So, that study which was in the 70s that wreck they actually studies only in the back and there was no such but the but the related epidemic happens with that and Mars, which came from camel came from

Santiago Leon
How soon do you think a vaccine can be created to to put a stop to the to the corona virus

Sunil Joshi
in vaccine is also again there are two important factors so for example vaccine creating vaccines technically is not a big problem. vaccine is you know as you know vaccine is nothing but the gag that pathogen and we’re ending Going into the humans to human immune system can see that pathogen and the next time when the lie pathogen attack, they are prepared. That’s all the basic fundamentals of the vaccine. However, if it is the case, then you know, we are prepared we are making vaccine for influenza from last more than 50 years, we still have not come up with a solid vaccine which can provide robust immunity for long time. Similarly, we we have a situation where the people get exposed to a disease. So, when somebody gets exposed to a disease, that is means, and then he recovered, he should be completely immune because the amount of antigen his the person’s immune systems encounter are pretty much very wide range, but it’s still that you in doesn’t birddog now question comes Then what is the problem in there? First of all, vaccine of coronavirus you can find maybe another month or so, but whether it is a really functional vaccine that is a question. So, that is doubtful and I think it it will take years to to solve this problem because first of all, they should know which epitopes are actually the real Apatow of which can inhibit the virus. Now, if you look at the sequence while and, and can and think that that is those epitopes are going to be antigenic. It may not be the same thing. There are cryptic capitals we call capital capitals and those are the need to be isolated on the basis of studies. So, for me a functional vaccine, very difficult to predict when it will come, but there will be a lot of market vacuum is mostly Commercial based commercial interest vaccine

Santiago Leon
10 years ago the h1 in one virus happened. Would you think Corona virus is more serious than that virus or do you think they’re very similar?

Sunil Joshi
controversial question. And I have answered but I’ve I cannot tell you about the reason is the the influenza virus, accident h1 and that was also very dangerous virus. And but also, there are two ways to look into this one, how many people died and or how many people are get affected? Second, who are these people? So, basically people with a viral infection especially coronavirus, or, or or influenza virus, they’re dying. They’re either very old people or they are very Or they are in no compromise with some other prop. Most of them, they’re very few Healthy People are very few. So, so, here again the clue is here for a working your vaccine, suppose there is a vaccine the market tomorrow and you want to work that vaccine as a complete cure for this particular disease. The person who is receiving this vaccine must have a optimal functioning immune response immune system and which is very difficult to achieve. Because, for example, all people have a low immune response. Some people are poor because of their socio economic condition their immune system is screwed up. And some people are suffering from some diseases like autoimmune disease or some kinds of other diseases immunosuppressive diseases So, then they screwed up. So that diversity is a big problem. And of course, designing a vaccine for for the population is not that going to be but even if it is, say about 50% successful it’s a great idea too because those people can can can be sponsible for the herd immunity. So that’s the only thing right now.

Santiago Leon
h1 h1 n one you know was also a very powerful virus. How about SARS was that very similar to h one n one and Corona virus?

Sunil Joshi
Yeah, they are all similar but they’re they’re infectivity hacks. So for example, including the virus has couple of strings, and Houston’s we handle in the lab, as regularly BSL two facilities. But as h one n one of the most most pathogenic fires We we handle into the BSL three facilities. So, these are the viruses are the same but different students have different pathogenesis that tells you how they affect. So the reason why we are so different there, the entry of the virus is different in these strains, some has a very high capacity to enter into the lung tissues and cause this infection. Now, Merson sores they were not very common that time. So, that is that is how they become something very, very new never been exposed, then call the body

Santiago Leon
right now. There’s a lot of countries doing socials doing social separation. And that’s awesome. So another way of herd community a herd immunity. What do you think about these two different ways to to stop the virus?

Sunil Joshi
Right now? Frankly speaking, it’s all chaos right now. We can feel your country

Santiago Leon
so no Oh no.

Sunil Joshi
No, yes,

Santiago Leon
yes. Yes. Go ahead. Sorry.

Sunil Joshi
Yeah. So, if somebody is infected and each person is quarantine or not be able to communicate with us, certainly the virus transmission will be stopped. Social distancing has been really effective because these viruses does have a certain So, so bored because the reason is not that why the person who is a secret Six feet from me not receiving those viruses, even suppose I am infected, they do, but the viral load is again important aspect of your immune system. So, we encounter thousands of billions of the parasite every single time every single day, those pathogens bacteria, but we don’t get sick because there is a certain threshold there is a certain load of those pathogens, which our body handle, but beyond the load suppose load is too much, then it become dangerous. So I think social distancing is not eliminating the exposure completely, but it is definitely reducing the burden on providers on the on the host.

Santiago Leon
Do you recommend wearing a mask or also wearing gloves? Yes.

Sunil Joshi
The human the how they affect you

Santiago Leon
know, to you know if you’re going to a grocery store or two public area you were wearing a mask make much of a difference

Sunil Joshi
it could it may not be so again you know this is like a What do you say? We are we are walking in totally dark area so that does because suppose you’re touching some surfaces there somebody’s cough and somebody did it and wireless remain for a few hours at least so you’re protected acknowledges that love and mask mask also protect endless droplets doesn’t go inside. So because again droplet will have billions of dividers but I think in open air it doesn’t doesn’t affect much. But for the precaution wise, Yeah, it is. It can be but I don’t think it is really, really like a guy Do

Santiago Leon
something to definitely look at this is there’s a pandemic for for for everyone to remember in the past. So now what do you recommend everyone to do for the next couple of weeks?

Sunil Joshi
Okay, so the best thing I’m advising right from the beginning and that is something I was surprised by medical community’s not advising because this is the starting as a lung infection and everybody talks about Lyme already like perma DNA and that is okay because that is a first entry point and where the spiders create a lot of problems, but actually people are also dying with the kidney failure. And the kidney fellow is because there are certain receptors be found out in our study, also expressed in the kidney and the widest spectrum affecting them. So best thing to do right now. The increased amount of your drinking water habits. So, drink maximum amount of water number one, number two you can climb in water means like you can have likely mostly not dry food like soup and a lot of liquid diet a lot of things whatever liquid you can do, because then you can flush virus faster. Second thing which is more important is to do some deep breathing exercises. Because again, when virus causes inflammation, your oxygen intake become less and that leads to a completely failure of the organ when oxygen become 80% or less, then your ordinance doesn’t work. So these two things plus, then you can use the home remedies is a home remedies are which is not harmful. For example, drinking lots of genes. Dirty black pepper and using turmeric powder in the food, these all are anti inflammatory substances which will be helping you without any doubt. And of course, best thing is the white to fight virus his arrest. Arrest means he minimal physical work because that will restore your energy to fight violence. So these are I can recommend because of these, there is nothing wrong in that nothing can go back and this these are not drugs. But these are the proportion and water is the most important thing which is like if you’re if you’re drinking three glasses of water a day just in case.

Santiago Leon
Those are some meal suggestions, says drink a lot of liquids, especially water. Do breathing exercises and Also do home remedies like drinking ginger tea, black pepper, anti inflammatory remedies and get a lot of rest.

Sunil Joshi
Right? You know, yes, it is illogical because when you have some black pepper circulation in the area of your throat

Santiago Leon
Will you think when we reach the summer months, especially here in the Northern Hemisphere, do you think we’ll see a huge decrease of people getting the virus?

Sunil Joshi
I can’t answer that question because it’s very difficult for me to understand because he is one of the factor which we didn’t discuss, that is people saying that why some countries have do not have that much interaction as as the United States has.

Santiago Leon
something to definitely look at and of course, will be Following coronavirus throughout the next couple of weeks and months Sunil what is the best way to reach you online?

Sunil Joshi
online you can do this with my LinkedIn profile or by email

Santiago Leon
and what is your email?

Sunil Joshi
Sunil dot Joshi at med MD d med.miami.edu.

Santiago Leon
And there we have a Sunil Joshi from the University of Miami medical school. his contact information is to nilda Joshi at med that Miami that Edu pretty exciting times when not exciting times. Interesting times. Interesting times.

Sunil Joshi
We, of course in this in this crisis This is a big lesson too especially in American Health System Okay, this is a big lesson we if we don’t learn from this then we are done

Santiago Leon
yeah you know a lot of we’re learning a lot you know in the health system also in the business world people are learning new ways new things to you know to get like the everyday life is different you know, thinking of new patterns will restaurants have now more table separated? You know, those a lot of those question marks can things be done more online? I had a few people that are you know, getting, you know, things process through the city, but online so we’re definitely having a reset but also learning new ways to adapt to this new this new world for the next couple months. Hopefully not too long. To get this, you know, get ready I think the everyday life going you can reach us at Leon productions calm SL eo n productions calm or you can reach me at S. Leon for any updates and technology and for Sunil Joshi. You can search for him on LinkedIn or get em at hotmail dot Joshi at mid miami.edu. If you have any questions about this, he is from from from the University of Miami. He is a stellar immunologist, and very smart guy knows what’s happening. And this is quite exciting times I learned about more about viruses flus, and makes me want to be a virus researcher now.

Sunil Joshi
Yeah, I know actually. Just yesterday, I published one paper accepted on this phylogenetic or genomic analysis of this wife

Santiago Leon
and how can they Find that

Sunil Joshi
Well, right now not in not in the it is in the publication stage. So I think within a week or so it will be online in PubMed so

Santiago Leon
yeah, if you get that up I love to retweeted and posted on my Facebook so that’d be awesome. Well, Sunil, I really pleasure for for for taking your time to come on to this special and I appreciate your information about this and I am I am I mean I mean I’ve learned a lot so I really appreciate Thank you.

Sunil Joshi
I’m wondering Thank you so much. Appreciate

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