PSA: Get To Death Stranding Chapter 3 As Quickly As Possible

I’ve already laid out some Death Stranding tips alongside my coworker Tim Rogers. Travel light; build structures in smart places; have an extra pair of shoes. One tip stands above them all, though: Do not get sidetracked at the start of the game. Death Stranding drops players into a large world to complete tons of deliveries, difficult affairs where you trek through ghost-infested territory and cross raging rivers. Just like you shouldn’t mess around too long in Dragon Age: Inquisition’s Hinterlands, you really should complete Death Stranding’s first two chapters quickly.

Transcription: hello everybody been in John Luke here with a hot destron tip for those of you just starting up the game when you get to chapter 2 you might be inclined to want to start doing all the side quests because the game opens up but we’re here to tell you don’t don’t don’t do it don’t do it do not do it when you are about to go to chapter 3 bed you get a notification that kind of implies that you might not be able to come back yeah which for you you were like I won’t be able to come back dropped everything and went right back in and started delivering all my packages but don’t listen to that sign if you feel like you’re ready to go go for it the thing is you can always come back to the chapter 2 area and do any of those deliveries that you want to do yes and in fact you actually get some without spoiling it some equipment that makes those deliveries much easier to actually handle you said you spent what like 20 hours yeah that chapter 2 area just doing everything you saved me the trouble and because I was gonna do the same thing it turns out nope I could just go chapter 3 come back and now I can do all the side stuff but it’s a lot easier to do but yeah II you should also actually go back and do that side stuff definition is worth doing there is a lot of good if you want to spend those 20 hours like I did doing it then in there go ahead you could do it but this is more like a heads up yeah okay you a hot warning here if you’re worried that you might not be able to come back to the stuff you might miss out on your boy Jeff Keely who is in the chapter 2 area don’t worry about it you can always find him anyway that’s our hot advice don’t stick in chapter 2 for too long this is a Dragon Age Inquisition hinterland situation don’t stay in the hinterlands don’t stay in chapter 2 exact going to chapter 3 and then come back yeah and do that hot side stuff and hopefully this 2 minute video will save you 20 hours of your life if that’s not what you want to do exactly anyway we want to keep it short and sweet get right to the point thanks for watching guys if you want more destron and content we got so many videos so much so much you can check out all of that here on youtube or on site wherever you’re watching thanks for watching.

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SOURCE: Kotaku