Using Apple Pages App to Publish to iBooks

Apple recently announced iBooks Author Mac App will be discontinued and removed from the App Store.

Apple included the book creation tools in Pages, the company’s new focus will be on developing features for the Pages app.

Publish your book via Pages

To publish your book, open your document in Pages, provide seller and version information, enter book information, preview and upload your book, then finalize your submission.

  1. Open the Pages document that you want to publish as a book.
  2. On iPad or iPhone, tap the More button  , then tap Publish to Apple Books.
    On Mac, choose File > Publish to Apple Books.
    Online at, click the Tools button , then choose Publish to Apple Books.
  3. Tap or click Continue, then sign in to iTunes Connect. If you’ve never signed in, on Mac click Create iTunes Connect Account. On an iPad, iPhone, or online at, sign up for an account.
  4. Tap or click Continue. Beyond this step, any changes you make to the Pages document won’t appear in the published book. If you need to stop the publishing flow and make changes to the Pages document, just close the publishing window.

Provide seller and version information

Next, choose the seller of the book and the version:

  1. If your iTunes Connect account has more than one seller, tap or click the Seller pop-up menu, then choose a seller. All those listed in your iTunes Connect account appear in the menu—choose any as the seller.
  2. If you’re publishing this book for the first time, select “This is a new book.” You can also update a previously submitted book.
  3. Click Continue.

Provide book information

After you provide seller and version information, you can choose a layout type for your book and enter other information about your book. Not every field is required, but many fields can help readers find your book in the Book Store. Here are some tips about the options on this page:

  • If your Pages document is a word-processing document, choose a layout for your book. Choose Reflowable for a book that has mostly text, like a novel. In a Reflowable layout, content reflows to accommodate different devices and orientations, and readers can adjust the font size. Choose Fixed for image-heavy or multi-column documents.
  • To add a subtitle or a series name, in the Title section click the Add button . If you’re not using a subtitle or series name, click the Remove button  to remove the field.
  • To add additional roles such as Editor, Illustrated by, Narrated by, and more, tap or click the Add button  in the Author section, click the Author pop-up menu, choose a role, then enter a name.
  • To help readers find your book, choose a subject category that best describes the content of your book. You can add additional categories, but Apple Books uses the first three categories you chose.
  • If your book is for minors, set an interest age. Or tap or click the Interest Age pop-up menu and choose one of the school grade options:
    • To set a minimum grade, set the first option only.
    • To set a maximum grade, set the second option only.
    • To set a grade range, set both options.
    • To set a specific grade, set both options to the same grade.
  • If your book is appropriate for adults only or is extremely violent, click the Contains Explicit Content pop-up menu and choose Yes.
  • To set up a pre-order, tap or click the Pre-Order pop-up menu, then choose Yes. To upload your book now, click the Upload Book pop-up menu and choose Yes. After you upload your book, you’ll add pricing, territory information, and pre-order details in iTunes Connect.*

When you’re ready, click Continue. If errors appear, enter the required information, then click Continue again.

Preview and upload your book

After you enter your book information and click Continue, you can preview the book and sample EPUB files. The preview EPUB files open in the Books app.

If you’re publishing from Pages online at, the files download to the default download location on your computer. 

When you’re satisfied with your sample, click Upload.

Finalize your submission

After your book successfully uploads to Apple Books, click Go to iTunes Connect. In iTunes Connect, add pricing and territory information. If you set up a pre-order, add pre-order details. 

While Apple Books reviews your submission, you’ll receive status updates via email. You can also check your book’s review status at any time in the My Books section of your iTunes Connect account.

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