A compilation of WordCamp Miami 2020. WordCamp Miami is an annual conference all about WordPress, a content management system for websites that is used 35% of the internet. WordCamp Miami 2020 was held at Florida International University from Feb. 28th to March 1st. There were over 60 speakers and with a diverse amount of topics. Listen/View from attendees, speakers and organizers of the conference.
Idrissa Thiam
Campus is a great event to come to every year, I would really suggest it if you’re into business, software development, marketing, don’t miss it every year working in Miami.
Aly Z
And I’m the lead organizer for social media. So a lot of management, a lot of planning and in regards to having to update the social calendar with the team, us a lot of hands on in the beginning. To get ready for this day, we wanted to make sure to automate as much content as possible. And the team have been doing a great job keeping up with all the content so far
Sebastian van der Lans
and most of us to finance I’m traveled all the way from Amsterdam to work can we me and a word for word proof that the internet is an amazing place, but at the same time, it’s kind of broken more than 80% of all the people in the world. They’re falling for fake news, and I talked about how open source communities can fix the broken web with WordPress and blog. Combined
a word camp is coming together, making friends building relationships, learning processes. educating yourself is too much to you know, it’s just amazing.
I’m interested in getting into doing business with WordPress. I love the platform. I love what people in the community do together. And it just happened to be right down my street. So
Brian Messenlehner
what’s up everybody? My name is Brian Messenlehner. Co-owner of a company called presser we have a framework that allows you to build iOS and Android mobile apps without actually having to know how to build iOS, mobile apps. Just use WordPress and your WordPress skills pretty much build all these really cool apps. And we also have a bunch of add on plugins to integrate with other popular WordPress plugins like WooCommerce like body press, learn dash You can create an e commerce based mobile app to sell your products. You can create online courses available through a mobile app or on social community mobile app. I also want a company called school presser where we we do a lot of open source solutions for public schools to save them a lot of time by law schools, public schools have the same problem with paying all these individual software vendors to do different things, specific things like you know, one software company manages the lunch cafeteria, you know, what’s for lunch? Another one does handles the buses, another one handles that. So we’re trying to rip on all those vendors off, not cut them off. Or kind of be like the undercovers. Right, right and come in there and offer open source solutions for a fraction of the price right to save these public schools a lot of money so they can invest that money back into their kids. I like to WordPress it up. That’s my thing.
Michael Schofield
I’m Michael Scofield and I’m with whereby awesome the director of engineering, basically introducing surface design as the as the smart Business strategic approach as opposed to being product centric.
Santiago Leon
So Andres Lopez, he spoke about accessibility. Tell us a little bit about your talk.
Andreas Lopez
Okay. I feel like it went great. I mean, we just came out of there. I feel like I got people with the chairman’s of Christ in the start. And I’m pretty happy with how it came out. And I hope people take a note or two about, you know, the problem of people and how to include them on the website.
Rian Kinney
My name is Rian Kinney. My role for word campus here. 2020 is I signed up for a bunch, organizer for sponsors, sponsorship, and David Bisset fantastic experience also, I signed up to be the room MC for business track both days morning and afternoon. So I am also filling in help anywhere I can. Hi, I’m Norma Miller. I’m the owner of white coat captioning. We’re a small niche captioning firm and we specialize in captioning tech events. And we do a lot of word camps. We love word camps lapu We love the whole, the whole culture around word camps is really lovely. We do a lot of, you know, other events that are very, very different. But what I love about word camps personally is that I, as a small business owner, myself, always come away with something that is actually relevant to my company. And that’s very satisfying to me.
Victor Ramirez
So my talk was Gutenberg beyond the block. And it was just essentially not very code heavy but more concept heavy, where I was showing people how don’t just think about the block and what you’re trying to drop on the page and what colors you’re trying to change and interesting, you know, front end components. Think about what Gutenberg and react means. So I showed how to pull from like custom API’s to create an author’s block that allows you to render different author names cetera, how to pull from an image API to kind of override the WordPress Media Library and use an external media library to bring stuff into Google I talked about, you know, parsing through all of your posts to find all the blog posts, and automatically sending the Twitter with a URL and a UTM parameter. And so cool, interesting stuff like that. But it’s not about blocks. It’s about, you know, the react in JavaScript tools that are now available in WordPress.
Chip Edwards
I’m Chip Edwards and I’m with the company create my voice. My talk today was on voice technology and how that is going to be impacting brands, as well as how do we make sure that our audience can get to our content, and the voice at what it takes to build voice apps to be able to connect our content up with our audience using all of these smart speakers and other voice devices like smartphones and cars, everything where this where these boys technology is getting embedded?
Carlos Vazquez
I’m Carlos Vasquez, and I’m with Miami marketer because I was able to buy the domain name Miami marketer calm.
Santiago Leon
Carlos, tell us about your talk today.
Carlos Vazquez
Alright, so people always want Want to go ahead and find ways to attract more business. And they have a hard time trying to make that connection. So I went ahead and I revealed a lot of the stuff that I’ve learned throughout the years since 2003. So that way they can start applying it in a way where they don’t feel like it’s too complicated. And it makes perfect sense. So the feedback I’ve received makes, it makes me feel like, it was easy to understand and easy to grasp.
William Jackson
Hey, this is my quick city trip down here in Miami, Florida, working with the kids at kids camp and join the atmosphere the bloggers, entrepreneurs or business owners. I either career and I had a great kids camp today working with about 15 to 20 Kids teaching them steam science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics, integrating into businesses and blogging. So it’s a great conference where camp Miami awesome.
George Cooke
I was the person who volunteers together to take photography I created a album for pictures to be uploaded. I made sure that there was a photographer assigned to each track in your session and he chopped the body and just reminded them to upload all their photos as they would take. And they did very, very well. They have uploaded over 300 pictures three or four days since the meetup.
Jesse Velez
Thank you for giving your time and effort, your energy, some people traveling from all over and I met a gentleman from Amsterdam. And we’re still all here but I want to say thank all the participants and attendees. So now I want you to receive your pens.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai