WordPress recently released their latest update WordPress 5.4, which feature a couple of new changes in the block editor.
WordPress 5.4 Features
- Every major release adds more to the block editor.
- More ways to make posts and pages come alive with your best images. More ways to bring your visitors in, and keep them engaged, with the richness of embedded media from the web’s top services.
- More ways to make your vision real, and put blocks in the perfect place—even if a particular kind of block is new to you. More efficient processes.
- And more speed everywhere, so as you build sections or galleries, or just type in a line of prose, you can feel how much faster your work flows.
Two new blocks. And better blocks overall.
- Two brand-new blocks: Social Icons and Buttons make adding interactive features fast and easy.
- New ways with color: Gradients in the Buttons and Cover block, toolbar access to color options in Rich Text blocks, and for the first time, color options in the Group and Columns blocks.
- Guess a whole lot less! Version 5.4 streamlines the whole process for placing and replacing multimedia in every block. Now it works the same way in almost every block!
- And if you’ve ever thought your image in the Media+Text block should link to something else—perhaps a picture of a brochure should download that brochure as a document? Well, now it can.
Cleaner UI, clearer navigation
- Clearer block navigation with block breadcrumbs. And easier selection once you get there.
- For when you need to navigate with the keyboard, better tabbing and focus. Plus, you can tab over to the sidebar of nearly any block.
- Speed! 14% faster loading of the editor, 51% faster time-to-type!
- Tips are gone. In their place, a Welcome Guide window you can bring up when you need it—and only when you need it—again and again.
- Know at a glance whether you’re in a block’s Edit or Navigation mode. Or, if you have restricted vision, your screen reader will tell you which mode you’re in.
In the podcast, we have David Baumfield from Starke Florida, who’s one of the WordPress contributor to this update.
About WordPress
WordPress is a free and open-source content management system written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes.