“Convenant” with Sebastien Boyer

Santiago Leon and Sebastien Boyer discuss Convenant from the Bible.

Sebastien Boyer website:


Sebastien Boyer
Or I stopped doing that, and I’m trying to do this. I’m trying. But what you find is that their mentality is that they believe that by doing these things, that somehow they’re earning God’s favor, and that in itself is putting them in, under the law, or the covenant of old, which is the law.

Santiago Leon
Now, right now says, What’s the difference in someone’s listening what’s what’s the difference between being under grace and being under the law?

Sebastien Boyer
Under the under grace simply means that you understand that your righteousness and your worthiness and you know, God’s standing or you’re standing with God has absolutely nothing to do with you in terms of whether you’re a good person, whether you’ve done well done good. If you’re going to church, if you’re not going to church, if you’re reading your Bible, if you’re not, you know, these are all benefits. These are all aspects of being under covenant that are benefits that will will build You up to be a son versus a child because we all start off as babies as children. But God wants us to be sons and daughters. He doesn’t want us to stay children and babies. Okay? through the grace and truth of the gospel, which is, you know, Jesus has shed blood and Resurrection to life and eternal life that God has given us access to eternal life and all of the rewards of the covenant through grace and truth. So the differences, are you trying to earn a reward or earn your place, not just in heaven, but in God’s favor? Or are you simply living in covenant in obedience to Him out of love and reverence for him, and in doing so trusting and having confidence in him and his promises, not as a reward for anything you’ve done? But just because you’re his son and daughter and you’re living in under covenant. So like I was saying before, when you have a roadmap, if your traveling on a road trip, and you have a strict regimen. And there’s no room for flexibility to think of that as being your rules, your do’s and don’ts map. But if you have flexibility, now that map, you can kind of adjust how that’s going to go, you’re still going to stay inside of the the confines. And I would say contract, but you’re still going to stay within the parameters, or within the range of where the roadmap is taking you. But there’s room for flexibility, because he has men, we make decisions. Now the Holy Spirit lives in us. So when we make decisions, we’re still men. So there could be some part of our decision making, which is not 100% coming from God. And so what happens is, God will correct us he will readjust our GPS on our map. We can’t worry about that. We have to trust the know that he’s in us, and that the decisions we make, if we are in covenant with him, are our good decisions, you know, which means that our vision, our plan, our goals, that Good God wants Good for you. He wants you to reach your destination with that you know you have in your mind in terms of your goals in life.

Santiago Leon
And if someone is listening to it, how can they reach that covenant?

Sebastien Boyer
So that starts with wisdom. And wisdom starts with the fear of the Lord. Knowing what the fear of the Lord is, it’s not fear of, of God, like if I don’t do what God said, He’s going to strike me down and kill me know, having the fear of Lord is learning what does God not like? Better yet, let me use the right word. What does God hate and hating what God hates? God hates evil. God hates suffering. God hates. Shame, doubt fear. God hates poverty. There are things that the scripture clearly says that God hates. So when you learn what God hates, and you hate what God hates, and you have respect and honor for God’s word, in that you know that his truth is definitely better than your truth. So as until intellectual and smartest I think I might be, if God says something to me through the word through the Bible, or through another brother or sister, and that is true that can be verified and confirmed in Scripture, then I have to, you know, I have to choice either I’m going to go with what I think is right, or I’m going to go with what what God says is right. So having fear of the Lord is those two things is hating what God hates, as well as honoring what he says and being obedient to his word and knowing that his word is above my own intellect. That’s the fear that fear leads to wisdom, right. Wisdom is defined as in I’ll find the scripture for you hold on one sec. Because this is very important. Yeah, and

Santiago Leon
everyone else’s is Sebastian Boyer. He is a, he’s a brother. He’s a dear brother of mine that loves the Lord very much. And he is I can’t say theology driven but he likes the word Definitely let’s go in depth and what the Bible says and and one of the things that he really likes to read about his covenant you know, it’s something that not many people talk about and yeah Sebastian is well versed on that he goes through seasons of certain topics but covenants definitely been a item in his heart. And I think I think he’s really expressing a well people don’t just are clueless when it comes to this stuff. And when Sebastian is writing about that, what what that verse will let him continue Sebastian, what does the Bible say about this?

Sebastien Boyer
Okay, so this is coming from Proverbs chapter eight, verse 22, to 31. Okay, I wisdom dwell with prudence and, and find out knowledge of witty inventions. The Lord possessed me in the beginning of his way. So wisdom declaring that the Lord, the father, possessed me in the beginning of his way, before his works of old, I was set up from everlasting from the beginning, or ever the earth was when there was no depth. I was brought forth when there was no fountains abounding with water. Before the mountains were settled before the hills I was brought forth, while as well as yet we had he had not made the earth nor the fields nor the highest part of the dust of the world. When he prepared the heavens, I was there, when he set up a compass upon the face of the depth, when he established the clouds above when he strengthened the fountains of the deep, and when he gave to see his decree, that the water should not pass this commandment when he appointed the foundations of the earth. Then I was by him, as one brought up with him, and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him, rejoicing in the habitable part of his birth, and my delights were with the sons of men. So this is wisdom. We’re talking about wisdom right now. Right? That wisdom not only witnessed and is testifying to God’s creation, but that he was a part a part of it. He was an active part of God’s creation. So who else was an active part of God’s creation? Let’s jump to john chapter one, verse one through three. And it says, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God, all things were made by him, and without Him was not anything made that was made. So what this is saying to us is that it’s very clear. Wisdom is the word and the word is in his wisdom, they’re interchangeable. So the next question is, who is the word and we know who the word is. The word is Jesus, Jesus. Jesus is the Word. Exactly. So who is wisdom, Jesus. So, the Bible is Jesus. It is his word. And so what how do we find wisdom? by first having fear of God? How do you get fear of God, knowing what he hates and hating what he hates? And, and and honoring and respecting His Word is true and above your own intellect and throw and so how do you what is our roadmap? our roadmap is the Bible, it is the entire Bible from the beginning to the end, it is one covenant broken up into different parts. And it starts with, with God creating, and then it starts with God creating again in the end of the end of the book of revelations, but it’s all one covenant that just has to go through different changes or or, or transformations as it pertains to God’s relationship with with with man that he created. So, at the end of the This, this, you know, just to kind of wrap this up through the fear of the Lord, we we then Glaser’s to wisdom, wisdom is the is the is the word, the word is our roadmap. So if we stay in the word and we have covenant with God, if we use that as our roadmap, then we are we stay under covenant, but we have to keep it as a roadmap, which is not rigid and stiff under the law, but has flexibility for us to let the spirit flow in our lives, so that we’re not doing living in a do’s and don’ts relationship with God, where we’re trying to earn a reward from God for being good, good, good Christians, but rather, we are simply living in his promise, and trusting that his word is our map. So proverbs verses four through five and seven says, Get wisdom, get understanding, forget it not, neither decline from the words of my mouth, for sake or not, and she shall preserve the lover and she shall keep the wisdom is the principal thing. Therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting get understand Proverbs three verse 13, through 16 says Happy is the man that finds wisdom. And the man that gets understanding for the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver and the gain there of finer than gold. She is more precious than rubies, and all the things that you can desire are not to be compared unto her length of days is in her right hand. And in her left hand, our riches and honor Wow, so bad when you when we get wisdom. That’s what we that’s what we get. That’s what we get. That’s what God wants for us through His covenant. And there’s so many more promises that come with that, but just to keep it real simple length of days, is in her right hand and in her left hand are riches and honor

Santiago Leon
savatthi Q. Say a prayer. For people that are looking for wisdom, they’re looking for truth and that and who doesn’t know about Jesus, pray for them and and maybe lead them to What is the truth? Go ahead.

Sebastien Boyer
So you know Heavenly Father, Lord God, thank you for your wisdom, thank you for your life that you breathe into creation into man and then to my life and, and for all of those who are listening, Lord, Lord, I just lift up their minds and their hearts to you so that you know we can be transformed by the knowledge of truth, which is only through you, Lord, that only comes through your wisdom. And in that knowledge of truth through you, Lord, may your grace abounds may flow through us, Lord, for anyone who who’s listening who has ever felt like ashamed or condemned, like you’re, you don’t deserve God’s righteousness, you don’t deserve God’s or reward or favor, that if you feel that, you know, you have to work to please God to get his attention. I just want you to Know that that’s exactly what Jesus did. Jesus already did it for you. He did it all. He finished everything. So if you’re me, if we have to do anything above and beyond what Jesus did, then what we’re saying to God is Jesus is not enough. So just ask yourself that question, Is Jesus enough? Did he do that for you? And Father, so I just lift up our minds and our hearts to, to receive and accept that, you know, what you have done through Jesus is more than enough for all of us for salvation eternally, and for your kingdom, to come on earth as it is in heaven, which means that we don’t have to wait until we die to experience your kingdom. It is here on Earth, The kingdom of God is at hand. If you receive this, and you are either a non believer and you don’t know Christ, all you have to say is Jesus. I want to make you the Lord of my life. Lord my heart. Forgive me thank you for your forgiveness. Thank you for your love thank you for, for willing to be my co the in control of my destiny. I put my life in your hands. Thank you, Father, and just those simple words will open your heart and you are forgiven, you are loved, and you are born again. And if you’re already a born again and you believe in Christ and you’re struggling with understanding why things happen in the world, know that God is not punishing you. God is not testing you. You know that is a lie straight from the pits of hell. God wants you to reign in this life, which means that he wants you to live in covenant, and receive all of the blessings and all the promises of Abraham. And everything that’s been promised in the in the scripture to do through the covenant that God has provided is ours. If we only receive it, nothing you’d have to do to earn it. Jesus name, I pray, Lord, that this is received. And that this may change somebody’s mind and heart, Lord, and then take this knowledge and share it with others.

Santiago Leon
Also, Sebastian on that prayer, let’s pray for the sake, pray for healing out there that people that need it and that that that God is a healer. Go ahead.

Sebastien Boyer
Yeah, yeah Heavenly Father, Lord, you know our minds are extremely powerful you created our us our minds so that, you know, when we have a thought, the mind goes to work to make that thought a reality. So when we’re living under law and condemnation, Lord, Lord and and we start to think that we deserve something we deserve sickness or that we don’t we did something wrong. And so that’s why we’re sick Lord, we’re literally giving sin power literally giving that that that sickness power, Lord, so in Jesus name, by the authority and by the blood of Christ, Lord, right now in Jesus name. I command any sickness. To leave the body in the mind of anyone listening, who is feeling and experiencing any kind of disease or sickness, whether it be financial disease or sickness, whether it be physical disease or sickness, whether it be relational disease or sickness in Jesus name, that sickness, that sin has no power and no authority in your mind and your body in your life. You simply have to just accept it and believe that you don’t deserve that. And that and the reason you don’t deserve it is because Jesus already paid for it. When God is looking at you. He sees Jesus, he doesn’t see your mistakes. He doesn’t see that you messed up. And you have to see yourself that way. as well. As when you see yourself that way. Then the spirit The Holy Spirit is going to be able to heal you because you’re going to allow the spirit to heal you. Receive that in Jesus name. Be healed. In Jesus name, Lord. Yeah, Lord, we thank you, Lord, for all the saints out there for people that are listening that need a miracle.

Santiago Leon
their financial or they always or they want to give their soul to you in Jesus name touch them. And we pray Lord for the for the best is yet to come. Wow what a devotional. This is our impromptu devotional cast. We haven’t done one in maybe a year or two but I’m glad that Sebastian back I know he has something big in his heart to share. And I definitely thought that this would be a good moment to just broadcast it live to Periscope, YouTube and Facebook. And also this will be an on iTunes on a podcast. A little bit later on Sebastian, tell us a little bit about yourself. What do you do and how do you make money?

Sebastien Boyer
Yeah, thanks. Thank you Santiago. So just so everybody knows this was truly impromptu. I was just calling my brother just to share this word with him between he and I, he was like, Hey, can we record it? I didn’t even know that this was going to happen. And you know, so the spirit. You know, God is amazing. He’s just going to use this hopefully by his will and bless somebody today or maybe hopefully more than one person is going to be blessed. Thank you Father for that, you know, God is amazing. So yeah, as far as my, my, my work, you know, I’m in, I’m in a few things I, I educate people on business financing, I help people secure financing to start and grow their businesses, I also educate them on building business credit. And the long term strategy is to eventually, you know, be able to wean yourself off of personal credit, and use business credit for your business, but then eventually to not even need financing at all to be in a position where you could become the lender, not the borrower. But just know that, you know, if God said that he wants us to be a lender, not the borrower, that does mean that it’s okay to borrow. It’s not a sin to borrow, because otherwise God wouldn’t say that he wants us to be the lender, not the borrower. So does he prefer for us to be the lender? He sure does. Yes. But if you have to borrow, that’s okay. It is not a sin. There’s no condemnation or judgment. When you borrow. You just need to know who you’re borrowing from. how the how the money or the terms of your agreement work. So what you don’t want to do is put yourself in a position of borrowing where, you know, the terms are extremely unfavorable to you, you know where you know, you owe somebody who might actually come after your life. So be wary of things like that, or any type of borrowing that can basically completely destroy your business because there’s some very dangerous lending out there. The key is to be have knowledge and wisdom and apply, you know that in everything you do in your business, and everything in your work in your relationships. So yeah, you know, I appreciate you asking that. Santiago, you know, basically, I’m actually going to be attending an event a Christian Business Network networking Expo on March 7 in in Broward County. If you if you want to check that out. share with you guys the the

Santiago Leon
Sorry, no, it’s okay. I mean, you could share your phone number or your email, you know to find out more information or is there like a a? Yeah event brighter meetup.com. linker.

Sebastien Boyer
Yeah. So Well, me personally, my direct number is 30555466 to nine. You want to you know, build on scripture or you want to, you know, talk business I’m always happy to build and, and just connect with, you know, people so I’m here to help. As far as the event, it’s called Christians in action business Expo, it’s on Saturday, March 7, at the Fort Lauderdale Marriott north. You can check me out on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and my my hashtag or alias is d approved guy. You can check this out, just look up Christians in action business Expo. And you’ll find that and you know, if you check me out at my social media, my website the approved guy calm. There’s also orange phi.com and business credit one on one dot com. And he’s also

Santiago Leon
on Twitter as well at the proof guy. A lot of our listeners are Twitter users. So I’m sure Sebastian checks it time and time and again, just in case he gets any type of messages or any type of DMS, but definitely check out Twitter. And of course Sebastian provides any type of loans if you’re thinking about becoming a franchisee For example, I steak and shake Sebastian could provide you tools to get to that step. I mean, you don’t have to be a millionaire, right? Sebastian?

Sebastien Boyer
No, not at all. Yeah, no, you know, there’s a lot of different financing for startups is about five or six options. There are options. So you know, you don’t have to, you know, self financed or borrow from friends and family if that’s not an option. You know, there’s several ways to secure financing on a small scale, you know, from you know, 10 to 20,000 all the way up to multiple millions of dollars. It all depends on what you qualify for, you know, and what kind of business you’re stepping into. So you know, everyone’s unique and different and Our whole approach is to educate, you know, advise and help you to make the best decisions for your financing based on your goals.

Santiago Leon
Yeah, there’s a lot of opportunity out there when I met Sebastian, he told me about the franchisee opportunities is more than you know, you can say average Joe could definitely obtain one. Here in America, we have a lot of franchise opportunities, franchises that you’ve never heard of Sebastian concoction connected, I think there was one that that we which I actually find out through someone else that there’s one that sells like blinds or some other type of blinds and go install it and you can make $94,000 a year doing that. I don’t know, I’m just

Sebastien Boyer
I’m just doing a lot of different unique Yeah, tries opportunities there. There’s a you know, and the good thing about a franchise is that it’s it typically has a roadmap to success, right? So you’re not you know, you know, as a brand new business, you’re creating a mom and pop. That’s awesome, but there’s always a trial and error. And you know, there’s going to be a there’s going to be a couple years of experience that you’re going to have to Go through, where when you’re stepping into a franchise, there’s no guarantee of success but there’s there’s, there’s someone there that is going to mentor you typically there’s going to be a roadmap, it’s more like like stepping into already will to working machine and if you follow the script and you just stick to their plan, you know, your chances of success are a lot higher, it’s still no, never a guarantee. But, you know, franchise opportunities are great and they can range from $20,000 to $300,000. And there’s even smaller franchise opportunities that are you know, less than, you know, 20 down into the 10 15,000. So it’s all depends on what you’re looking for. But I work with a lot of franchise brokers and a lot of franchise owners directly. So if you’re thinking about you know, you want to start a franchise you don’t know where to start, you don’t know what, what options are available, you can call me up, give me a call and I can connect you with someone who can share with you all the different franchise opportunities. I can share with you some links to different franchise websites where you can learn about different types of franchises and their investment costs and, you know, start doing some research on business for

Santiago Leon
Yes, and you go to the approved guide calm, there’s his phone number or if you’re too shy to call them, you can fill out the contact form or shoot him an email. And Sebastian has all those assets to obtain. Sebastian, closing words of this podcast. I had a good time. At least.

Sebastien Boyer
Thank you, man. Again, this is really impromptu everybody. So,

Santiago Leon
but you’re okay with that some people are not okay with that. So I mean, I see people saying, Oh, just hang up. I can’t do this. I’m too shy.

Sebastien Boyer
You know, you know what, man right now? You know, I’m just trusting God. And you know, he led me to call you you said let’s do it. I said let’s do it. You know, so I feel like that’s God’s Will right now. He wanted this to be shared. And yeah. So

Santiago Leon
this actually started back in Saturday, this past Saturday, about two days ago. So you had you had something already like pre going on. And then you’re gonna do like a part two. Now part two, but like a continuation of what you said Saturday is like, Man, this stuff Too good on Saturday, let me hit record because this thing may not be in your heart ever again. Good.

Sebastien Boyer
Oh, no, no, this is definitely going to stay in my heart. I mean, nothing this is this is, you know, new study that I’ve been completing, and I’m re studying it again now just understanding the covenant that God is, you know, put places under and that we have protection and provision through him and all of his promises and, you know, just learning how this all ties in. It’s, it’s literally like, you know, filling in the gaps and all the questions as to how come like why would God even do any of this stuff? You know, it’s when you really start to experience and understand the truth about covenant and how it all works. And yeah, what like I say like what God did, it’s just, it’s amazing, man. It’s just,

Santiago Leon
it’s biblical. And to be honest, people are clueless about it. And I think people like you guys using you to to iron this out. A little did better So, yeah, yeah, yeah so there’s definitely you know a lot lots of information out there. But the one thing that you can count on is the word of God and that it is true and that’s where you’re going to find your wisdom so you know stick with the word and you’ll be alright there you have it Sebastian board the approved guide.com for any questions about covenant or by financial and also credit if you have information about credit, everyone deals with credit everyone either has a great credit or bad credit if you go to Credit Karma calm they’ll tell you what you have. Right and then of course you go on to sling on productions. com. This debo cast hasn’t been around for two years. I actually want to bring it back and make it the is the Bible podcast to promote all obviously it’s the Bible but also get many people in you know that know the word of God and share what they have in their heart. I believe these streaming tools are a great opportunity for people to echo what’s in their heart. I think a lot of people have a lot to say, and I think streaming and podcasting as well. One good Avenue and and now that I transcribe all the podcast people are able to search any type of topics. And if they search covenant, perhaps Sebastian might be up there in the list. So you never know. Anyways, Leon bridges calm on Twitter is at Leon on Instagram is absolutely on. You can also add me on Instagram. I’m also on tik tok solely on 70. And you can definitely reach to me there. Sebastian is also on LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter. And any information about that reaches out and if you guys need prayer privately, call us and we’ll be glad to pray for you. Anyway, Sebastian boy, you’re I think I’ll see you soon again.

Sebastien Boyer
Yeah, let’s have lunch.

Santiago Leon
Alright guys, God bless and I’ll see you next time.

Sebastien Boyer
All right. Thank you.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

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