How to Schedule a Recurring Meeting in Zoom

Zoom has become an essential tool for virtual meetings, webinars, and collaboration in today’s digital world. Whether you’re hosting weekly team catch-ups, monthly client meetings, or any other recurring event, scheduling them in Zoom can save you time and effort. In this article, we will guide you through the steps on how to schedule a recurring meeting in Zoom, making your virtual gatherings more efficient and hassle-free.

Step 1: Sign in to Your Zoom Account

To schedule a recurring meeting, you’ll need to be signed in to your Zoom account. If you don’t have one yet, you can easily create an account on the Zoom website.

Step 2: Access the Zoom Dashboard

Once you’re logged in, you’ll land on your Zoom dashboard. Here, you can manage all your meetings and settings.

Step 3: Schedule a New Meeting

To schedule a recurring meeting, click on the “Schedule a New Meeting” option. This will take you to a page where you can customize your meeting details.

Step 4: Configure Meeting Details

Fill in the required meeting details:

  • Topic: Give your meeting a name or title.
  • Description (optional): Add any additional information or context for the meeting.
  • When: Set the date and time for the first occurrence of your recurring meeting.
  • Duration: Specify the estimated duration of the meeting.
  • Timezone: Ensure the correct timezone is selected to avoid scheduling conflicts.

Step 5: Recurring Meeting Settings

To make the meeting recurring, scroll down to the “Recurring Meeting” section. Here, you have several options to choose from:

  • Recurrence: Select how often you want the meeting to repeat (daily, weekly, monthly).
  • Repeat every: Set the interval between each occurrence (e.g., every week, every month).
  • End date: Choose when the recurring meetings should stop (you can select a specific date or set it to never end).

Step 6: Meeting Options

Under “Meeting Options,” you can further customize your recurring meeting:

  • Enable or disable the meeting password.
  • Enable or disable the waiting room feature.
  • Allow or disallow participants to join before the host.
  • Choose whether to mute participants upon entry.
  • Decide whether to record the meeting automatically.

Step 7: Save Your Recurring Meeting

Once you’ve configured all the settings to your liking, click the “Save” or “Save & Add Another Meeting” button. This will save your recurring meeting settings, and you’ll be taken back to your Zoom dashboard.

Step 8: Managing Recurring Meetings

To manage your recurring meetings, go back to your Zoom dashboard. Here, you can view all your scheduled meetings and make adjustments if needed. You can edit, delete, or reschedule recurring meetings at any time.


Scheduling a recurring meeting in Zoom is a straightforward process that can save you time and ensure that your virtual gatherings run smoothly. By following these steps and customizing your meeting settings to fit your needs, you’ll be able to set up and manage recurring meetings with ease. Zoom’s user-friendly interface and flexible scheduling options make it a valuable tool for remote work, education, and connecting with friends and colleagues around the world.